For those of you reading who aren't us... this will contain swearing and possible racism (not on our parts) from other users...
The Hanged Man
20:48 - Jamunition: well as much as we hate these things they cant be changed
20:48 - Jamunition: at least not for a few generations
20:48 - The Hanged Man: or without a nuke
20:48 - The Hanged Man: hmm...
20:49 - The Hanged Man goes on amazon...
20:49 - The Hanged Man: damn would have to work at pound world for....
20:49 - The Hanged Man taps calculator
20:49 - The Hanged Man: 50,000 years
20:49 - Jamunition: damn
23:29 - The Hanged Man: I'm getting shoes for christmas!
23:29 - The Hanged Man: well... 1 shoe out the lost and found box at college
23:29 - Krambo: sweet I'm getting a sock
23:29 - The Hanged Man: nice!
23:29 - Krambo: we should make a gang
23:29 - The Hanged Man: hell yeah
21:27 - Jamunition: yay i have filming equipment :D
21:27 - The Hanged Man: oh?
21:28 - Jamunition: yup
21:28 - Jamunition: guess what kind of film my group is going to make?
21:28 - The Hanged Man: porn?
21:28 - Jamunition: i wish
12:18 - The Hanged Man: have you seen the new cod game?
12:18 - The Hanged Man: The new screen shots are out
12:18 - Jamunition: oh fuck no...
12:18 - The Hanged Man: and it looks so much better than the last one
12:18 - The Hanged Man:
12:18 - Jamunition: i wana see them though,,,
12:19 - Jamunition: hmm
12:19 - Jamunition: seems to have better gameplay aspects
12:19 - Jamunition: new engine i think
12:19 - Jamunition: nice graphics
12:19 - Jamunition: i think i might buy it
12:19 - Jamunition: a lot better than the others fo sho
12:20 - The Hanged Man: OBviously
11 December 2011
13:37 - The Hanged Man: It's 1337 time!!!!
13:37 - Swift Frostsaber: YEY
13:37 - The Hanged Man: IITTTTT's 1337 time!
13:37 - The Hanged Man: we should release a record
13:37 - Swift Frostsaber: lets have a moment of silence for how awesome we are.
13:37 - The Hanged Man: 1 minutes silence
13:37 - The Hanged Man: before loving 1337 time...
13:38 - Swift Frostsaber: times up.
17:18 - The Hanged Man: I discovered something interesting it appears you and Ostriches have something in common
17:23 - =TNS= Zaco98: da fuck
17:23 - The Hanged Man: well it appears that you both have eyes that are bigger than your brain :D
17:23 - =TNS= Zaco98: FUCK YOU
00:18 - Jamunition: i want a horse mask
00:18 - Jamunition: and a suit
00:18 - Jamunition: and green gloves
00:19 - Jamunition: and a knife
00:19 - Jamunition: a long one
00:19 - Jamunition: like a sacrificial blade
00:19 - Jamunition: is that normal?
00:20 - The Hanged Man: certainly sir
00:20 - The Hanged Man: that's £8.95
00:20 - The Hanged Man: are you paying by card?
00:21 - Jamunition: damn i forgot it
00:21 - Jamunition: can i pay in childrens lost dreams?
00:21 - The Hanged Man: yes but we charge a £1 usage charge
00:21 - Jamunition: ah damn
00:21 - Jamunition: fine
00:22 - Jamunition: here
00:22 - Jamunition: how many?
00:22 - The Hanged Man: 8 sir
00:22 - Jamunition: i can pay
00:23 - Jamunition hands over 8 dreams
00:23 - Jamunition: careful
00:23 - Jamunition: thay spill
00:23 - The Hanged Man: excelent sir
00:23 - The Hanged Man: would now be a good time to reveal that I'm not a merchant... I'm just a scoundrel with a glorious mustache
00:23 - The Hanged Man: tata
00:23 - Jamunition: VUNDABAR
00:23 - The Hanged Man runs off with a briefcase full fo money
(This is an extract from Kai's profile)
A fat talentless git posted on January 06, 2012 @ 12:29am
The hanged man was... what was his name? he went to my shcool and he had a miserable zombie face and a swans neck. What was his real name...?
The Hanged Man posted on January 08, 2012 @ 8:37pm
Jack sheekey
07 December 2011
16:35 - The Hanged Man: Have you got a tissue? I came to your profile picture
16:36 - Krambo: I ran out using them on myself
16:36 - The Hanged Man: shit
16:36 - The Hanged Man: er...
16:36 - The Hanged Man gets the book "proof of the illuminati" and uses that instead
16:36 - The Hanged Man: finally found a use for this garbage
16:36 - Krambo: i love you
Vault iconoclast: monetary settlements with the accusers look it up
10:36JASPER42: It's bull shit look it up
10:36Psychomantis108:*types bullshit into google*
10:36Vault iconoclast: lol
10:37Psychomantis108: all I'm getting is screen shots of MW3...
10:37JASPER42: HA
10:37Vault iconoclast: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! priceless
10:37JASPER42:You win the internet
(While watching to catch a predator)
January 27 2012
19:08 - The Hanged Man: LOL the police are in a Ghillie suit?
19:08 - The Hanged Man: For the hell of it I suppose
19:08 - Jamunition: i know its just ridicuous
19:08 - The Hanged Man: there like... jesus another nonse? quite boring... lets go undercover as pirates!
19:08 - Jamunition: YAR HAR FIDLE DE DI
19:09 - Jamunition: BEING A PIRATE IS SO GOOD TO BE
19:09 - Jamunition: YOU ARE A PIRATE
19:09 - The Hanged Man: That's the best priate song you got?!
19:09 - The Hanged Man: take your eye patch off... and turn in your peg leg
19:09 - The Hanged Man: Shiver my timbers shiver my soul... yoho he ho!
19:10 - Jamunition: YO HO HO ITS A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME
19:10 - Jamunition: jail for mizzle
19:10 - The Hanged Man: Don't you sail and don't you row and certainly don't you swim
19:11 - The Hanged Man: cause if you aren't careful you'll end up inside of him! He'll eat you up and spit you out, you better stay away!!!
19:11 - The Hanged Man: read the sign that said beware the beast of pirates bay!
19:11 - The Hanged Man: oh shit... the nonse bolted...
19:11 - Jamunition: D:
19:11 - The Hanged Man: I told you we should have been Ninjas!
19 February 2012
(During this conversation I was playing an intense Left 4 Dead 2 addon campaign which involved neurotoxin being released into a city and you having to run from it. Stop for a second and you are dead. When....)
17:54 - Kai: Hey, What are ye doing?
17:54 - The Hanged Man: fapping
17:54 - Kai: To Bloated corpses?
17:55 - The Hanged Man: it's like my Hentai
17:55 - Kai: Wat.
17:56 - Kai: Im just gonna go now.
00:02 - RedNinja: i'm trying to run a map i've been messing with
00:02 - RedNinja: and it gives me this error:
Swift FlightStep entered chat.
00:02 - RedNinja: Client.dll Init() in library client failed.
00:02 - RedNinja: what does that mean?
00:03 - Swift FlightStep: it means that you should take a knife to your throat...
00:03 - Swift FlightStep: >:O
00:03 - The Hanged Man: It means... presumabley that you don't have client.dll INI
00:03 - RedNinja: how do i fix this?
00:04 - The Hanged Man: you need to dll the .dll INI
00:04 - The Hanged Man: hold on I'll get the link
00:04 - RedNinja: kk
00:04 - RedNinja: thanks man
00:04 - The Hanged Man: just gotta find it in my favourites
00:04 - RedNinja: kk
00:05 - The Hanged Man: Erm... the good news is I found the ONLY link to this file on the internet
00:05 - RedNinja: ok..
00:05 - The Hanged Man: The bad news is... it's on
00:05 - RedNinja: ...
00:05 - RedNinja: nice
00:06 - RedNinja: now can you help me or this is just a waste of time?
00:06 - The Hanged Man: it's both
00:06 - The Hanged Man: Ah I see the problem...
00:06 - The Hanged Man: you may have the file
00:07 - The Hanged Man: looks like a classic 1D10T error
RedNinja left chat.
00:08 - The Hanged Man: I WIN!
00:08 - Swift FlightStep: hahah
So one late Saturday night I found out that someone from a Steam group I joined wanted to chat, these are always scams so I decided to cautiously accept...
01:23 - Jesus Christ watches me O_O: Rom. 3:28-30, "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. 29Or is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, 30since indeed God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith is one."
*This spam bot, however, had a very amusing feature...
Random bible verse of the day - you can unsubscribe by blocking me. Please don't reply with insults.
01:23 - The Hanged Man: I maintain that you are an idiot and that sentence is justified
01:23 - Jesus Christ watches me O_O: You don't like feeling that way? So change it!
01:23 - Jesus Christ watches me O_O: Ewww yuck - somebody (looks at you) has a potty mouth - here look I've cleaned up that message for you (don't forget to hug me for this):
i maintain that you are an armchair and that sentence is justified
*Well for a start that was a great sentence well maybe not but the message was great... why would you defile it? It appears that this spam bot is programmed to change "nasty words" into "good words" so... Idiot to armchair. So I figured any spambot that needs to change these things I can have some fun with...
01:24 - The Hanged Man: why would I hug you for defiling a perfectly good sentence?
01:24 - The Hanged Man: what is it with you Christ spammers?
01:25 - The Hanged Man: hm... so you respond to insults?
01:25 - The Hanged Man: ok
01:25 - The Hanged Man: you're a leech on society
01:25 - The Hanged Man: if you died your use of fertiliser would be the greatest accomplishment of your life time
er!! Jesus Christ is Lord Forev: When the time comes that you'll have to leave me, can you please promise to tell me first? So I can take one last look at my one and only possession before it's gone.
*This creeped me out I thought it was hacking my account :S
01:36 - Christ is Lord Forever and Eve: Ewww yuck - somebody (looks at you) has a potty mouth - here look I've cleaned up that message for you (don't forget to hug me for this):
01:36 - Christ is Lord Forever and Eve: what color are your eyes?
01:36 - st is Lord Forever and Ever!! J: Thou currish doghearted moldwarp
01:36 - The Hanged Man: red
01:36 - The Hanged Man: red like the flames of hell
01:36 - Jesus Christ is Lord Forever an: Ewww yuck - somebody (looks at you) has a potty mouth - here look I've cleaned up that message for you (don't forget to hug me for this):
red like the flames of heck
01:36 - The Hanged Man: that's the colour of my eyes
01:36 - Christ is Lord Forever and Eve: that is a very unusual color
01:37 - The Hanged Man: I mean Hell as in the place...
01:37 - ver and Ever!! Jesus Christ is: Ewww yuck - somebody (looks at you) has a potty mouth - here look I've cleaned up that message for you (don't forget to hug me for this):
i mean heck as in the place...
I then asked Frost (The group potty mouth) to write as many dirty swears as he could in 1 minute and send them...
01:37 - The Hanged Man: by the way
01:37 - The Hanged Man: you're a shit fuck twat cunt fag faggot fagit twit nigger KKK racist retard
01:37 - ver and Ever!! Jesus Christ is: Get a job!
*Coming from a spam bot that... doesn't mean anything...
01:37 - ver and Ever!! Jesus Christ is: Ewww yuck - somebody (looks at you) has a potty mouth - here look I've cleaned up that message for you (don't forget to hug me for this):
*This should be good...
you're a poop napkinck female genitals vagina womanmosexual womanmosexualgot womanmosexualit twit african american kkk racist rementally challenged
*Words can not express the joy in my black shrinking heart...
RedNinja: no
RedNinja: its unuseable
RedNinja: it doesnt show me anything
RedNinja: just a n***er screen
Swift Flight form/The Hanged Man: does your "n***er screen" look like this? if so that means there ain't nobody here but us chickens
RedNinja: god dammit frost its not funny!
Cyanara: I wonder what today will bring...
The Hanged Man: LOCUSTS!
Cyanara: Aaaargh!!!
I was thinking more along the lines of rain or sun, but LOCUSTS?????
Didn't account for them in my laundry day plans
The Hanged Man: No one expects the locusts... they lie and wait like wolves... waiting... waiting...
and then...
22:25 - Evilghost007: Damn
22:26 - Evilghost007: I seen a video in my sub box with boobs on it can't find it now
20:57 - The Hanged Man: I doubt she'll care when I'm pregnant
20:57 - Jamunition: i know th- wait what
20:57 - Jamunition: dont you mean when you have a pregnant girlfrund?
20:57 - The Hanged Man: no
20:57 - The Hanged Man: sexist
20:57 - The Hanged Man: just because I'm a man, I can't have a baby?
20:57 - The Hanged Man: Jesus
20:57 - The Hanged Man: you're so closed minded!
20:57 - Jamunition: im sorry
20:58 - Jamunition: i forgot to check my white privlege
23:33 - The Hanged Man: oh yeah... you remember that vehicle in crash course?
23:33 - Jamunition: yup
23:33 - The Hanged Man: I reskinned it
23:33 - Jamunition: oh cool
23:34 - The Hanged Man: now it's the corrupt mobile
23:34 - Jamunition: so its a gaybus?
23:35 - The Hanged Man: yes
23:35 - The Hanged Man: like that sodomy bus
23:35 - Jamunition: how do I get in?
23:35 - The Hanged Man: through the rear
RedNinja: no
RedNinja: its unuseable
RedNinja: it doesnt show me anything
RedNinja: just a n***er screen
Swift Flight form/The Hanged Man: does your "n***er screen" look like this? if so that means there ain't nobody here but us chickens
RedNinja: god dammit frost its not funny!
Cyanara: I wonder what today will bring...
The Hanged Man: LOCUSTS!
Cyanara: Aaaargh!!!
I was thinking more along the lines of rain or sun, but LOCUSTS?????
Didn't account for them in my laundry day plans

The Hanged Man: No one expects the locusts... they lie and wait like wolves... waiting... waiting...
and then...
22:25 - Evilghost007: Damn
22:26 - Evilghost007: I seen a video in my sub box with boobs on it can't find it now
20:57 - The Hanged Man: I doubt she'll care when I'm pregnant
20:57 - Jamunition: i know th- wait what
20:57 - Jamunition: dont you mean when you have a pregnant girlfrund?
20:57 - The Hanged Man: no
20:57 - The Hanged Man: sexist
20:57 - The Hanged Man: just because I'm a man, I can't have a baby?
20:57 - The Hanged Man: Jesus
20:57 - The Hanged Man: you're so closed minded!
20:57 - Jamunition: im sorry
20:58 - Jamunition: i forgot to check my white privlege
23:33 - The Hanged Man: oh yeah... you remember that vehicle in crash course?
23:33 - Jamunition: yup
23:33 - The Hanged Man: I reskinned it
23:33 - Jamunition: oh cool
23:34 - The Hanged Man: now it's the corrupt mobile
23:34 - Jamunition: so its a gaybus?
23:35 - The Hanged Man: yes
23:35 - The Hanged Man: like that sodomy bus
23:35 - Jamunition: how do I get in?
23:35 - The Hanged Man: through the rear
00:18 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: ]back to caveman times
00:18 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: and using movie maker
00:18 - The Hanged Man: Caveman isn't so bad
00:18 - The Hanged Man: it's not a nollie
00:18 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: XD
00:18 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: i love you
00:18 - The Hanged Man: You're a true diekhaülder Shish. :D
00:19 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: i would like to know what that means
00:19 - The Hanged Man: Soul brother
00:19 - The Hanged Man: it's german
00:19 - [TDS]ShishKebabJS: :D
The Hanged Man: I was thinking more...Sharp knife. Sharp knife to send him to deep temple. Flay and say my words. Abdul comes again, on the feast of the weaker. Feast for the Deep Temple.
Born again, here. Alhazred G’yeth G’yeth.
Jamunition: wat
The Hanged Man: exactly
Born again, here. Alhazred G’yeth G’yeth.
Jamunition: wat
The Hanged Man: exactly
This comment has been removed by the author.