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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Corrupt Regulators

We are one of the good clans the kind who don't have to have a bunch of stupid characters infront of there name such as "&%*(£)") The ultimate mordern warefarez *T*$()££%(£**(" we are in it for fun that is it!

A little info
The Corrupt are a non profit Community who don't have any aims or objectives. We were founded in the year 2011 offically but have been around since 2010 (just not under the Corrupt banner).

We play a wide variety of games and do other stuff for shits and giggles non of it is taken seriously though.

We can be found here (obviously)
and The Red Dead redemption WIKI

There isn't much more to tell you. We are just mad men (and women) with access to computers and the internet, so scroll on up there and click on something. You have a number of choices on the tool bar.

If you are here to post as a member we urge you to read the rules first!

"The Hanged Man and the rest of The corrupt regulators are NOT rolemodels!
Following their advice or trying to imitate them may cause any of the following...
Unwanted pregnancies
A criminal record
Foot Rott
Projectile vomiting
Webbed toes
Brain damage
or Radiation sickness" - Lets play Fallout 1 badly


Who Are these Corrupt Regulator folks?

We are a small community of gamers who like to talk and crap on the internet... you know sad people...

We were founded around March 2011 officially but we've been playing games long before this...

So... when were you founded?

As I said 2011 was the offical year but we've been around since 2010 just not under the Corrupt Regulator banner...

So what games do you play?

Left 4 dead, Tf2, Fallout games and Red Dead other games are not out of the question, however.

I've lost my mind and want to become a member... how would  I go about doing that?

Anyone can join the Steam group but only a few can become officers this is to prevent having a group full of officers who no one knows...

If you do not have Steam thenyou can easily send us an email to

You can also join by signing into your google account and becoming a member of this site. To request membership.
How do I become an officer then?
You have to do "The Joining".

And what's... "The Joining"?
I cannot tell you... it's too horrible to describe.

Which one of you is in charge?
That depends why are you asking?
Is it because A. you wish to give use a reward for awesomness and a cash prize to the leader?
B. We are in trouble and you are going to arrest us...
C. you are just curious.

Well the answers are...
A. It's me The Hanged Man! I did everything now gimme gimme gimme!
B. It's all Frostsaber's fault! I didn't even want to do these things! HE MADE ME DO IT!
C. Oh... well in that case we don't really have one... I pity the poor fool who has to take responsibility for this sorry gang of misfits... ;) 

So who are it's members?

well... trying to sum up the Cregulators is not an easy task scholars have been trying for years and haven't succeeded but... Let me try and fill you in.

The hanged Man: a cynical grump who hates almost everything. He Tends to write all the bollocks on the website like this Q&A page. He likes Voltaire and Johnny Cash songs, RPG games and FPS and he likes action and fantasy films in some cases both.

Swift Frostsaber: the sarcastic ruffian from beyond the... moon? He usually insults other people.. and god help you if The hanged Man and Frostsaber are in the same room!

Tiff: our paradise falls slaver who gets us good chems!
Jamunition: our ammo procurement specialist usually builds his own ammo because he wastes so much of it firing it at his team mates ;)
We unfortunatley have lost some of our original founders...

Krambo: who needs stealth when you got a badass with an AK47?

Drew Lectre: I could write a paragraph about Drew... but I can sum him up in this story, when the generator broke he jumped off the bridge ran towards the tanks shouting COME AT ME BRO!

Other members: These are members who's contributionsstand out and names you may see a lot in Corrupt Regulator associated things.
Shish can often be seen in he CRC (Corrupt Regulator chronicles) videos and also contributes to some events.
Guardian Sn1per
Guardian Sn1per is a forum resident who spends most of her time protecting it from raiders, super mutants and other nasty things. She is the leader of the "guardian of forever" faction.
Jon Arryn
A forum/youtube poster who makes game reviews on the corrupt youtube channel.
The Collector/EvilGhost
The Collector features in a number of the corrupt regulator chronicles videos.

Getting involved
How do I contact you?
email us at you can give feed back, ideas and ask questions that aren't here...
NOTE: Spam is not invited any advertisements will just be deleted and anything that sounds like a scam, illegal or something that isn't related to us will be deleted.

Note: 30/11/2012: Can we please have another type of scam other than "I'm a nigerian bank owner and blah blah blah?"
I sent an email but no one has replied!
Emails aren't checked often but someone will get around to it... you know unless the site looks like it's abandoned or hacked then there is no hope of a reply...

I have an idea for one of your pages how do I edit them?
Are you a member?
If you are a member then you can                                  
log in with the username and password                   
to get it ask a Cregulator admin                                
(most of us know it).       
Sadly for  obvious reasons we cannot let EVERYONE edit the pages of the site however you can email your ideas to

Who writes those stupid I hate monday articles?
The Hanged Man (he is the no lifer who does a lot of things here...)
Where does he live? I want to kick his ass
As much as I would like to I cannot give my adress and post code on the internet... or by email sorry.

Do you have any other sites?
Yes they are at the top, there will also be a link page installed.

Why don't you have a real web domain?
Oh you are offering to pay for it? Real kind of you!
So... you are a bunch of cheap skates?
Being cheap implies we have money and aren't willing the spend it, the fact is the group has no money because it is non profit.

Do you play any of those super swell Modern Warfare games?
I can't speak for everyone but to my knowledge? No although we (nearly) all own the games. However, the group isn't dedicated to them and non of us as far as I know are fans of them.
So you prefer Battlefield?
I know some of our members have played Battlefield, but I don't know everyone's opinions on it, however, as I said before the group isn't dedicated to Battlefield, Call of Duty or any other currently overhyped game.

Will there be a humour page for *insert game here*?
I cannot say, in order for a humour page to be created someone has to like a game enough to write tons of crap about it. So in short only the fans are making the humour pages, if no one here likes said game then no page will be made.
How come some lists are unfinnished?
Please understand that this site has only been around since december of 2011. So if this question is being asked in say Jan 2012 then just give us some more time. If it's being asked in 2016 then we probably either abandoned the project or the whole site by then...
Anything else I can look forward to?
Of course we are always making random crap.
How come the links above look a little miss shapen?
I tend to only have this problem on internet explorer, on Google chrome this doesn't tend to happen. It might be something to do with the page resolution,but I could care less...
Can I view this like a blog?
You can but it would be incredibly frustrating it's designed to be more like a website.

I noticed a review that I Agree/Disagree with... I can still comment and say what I think right?
Of course, just be mindful that no one is a proffesional critic and everyone is just saying THEIR thoughts on the game and sharing it with other members of the group so you are likely to not agree with everything they say... you are more than welcome to disagree and point things out that they didn't make, however, be civil

How else (other than email/comment) can I get in contact with you?
You can sign up to our forum, or sign up to our steam group and request a chat to an individual member.
Home page written

by The hanged Man

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