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Friday, 20 January 2012

The diary of little patience...

Dec 05 2161: They threw me out of the vault today I don't know why because I skipped the cutscene... when I press "P" I get a postit that says I have 150 days left to get a "water chip" don't know where to look for one...

Dec 06 2161: After a while I found out how to move... who would have guessed that I needed to point and click? I bumped into a rat and tried to kill it with my bare hands. I wish I had a gun...

Dec 07 2161: I finally got out of that shitty cave! Wait... a map screen? er...

Dec 20 2161: I clicked around and finally found a settlement called "Shady sands" I'll find a "water chip" somewhere.

Dec 20 2161: I punched the gate guard in the face and lost 40 HP while I had to run away...

Dec 29 2161: I finally found "Vault 15" but it's just a crappy shack...

Jan 01 2162: I found out (while clicking aimlessly) that there is hole with a ladder in the crappy shack...

Jan 04 2161: I'm getting somewhere blood rats though... found a cave

Jan 05 2161: Hey there is the vault! 15 it is! Ok now I just got to find the chip!

Jan 05 2161: Aww crap I can't get down the elevator shaft!

Jan 06 2161: I've spent 31 of my 150 days looking for this god damn chip! The only way down is lost! This game is broken!

Jan 10 2161: I've come back to shady sands and they are STILL shooting at me!

Jan 10 2161: I'm travelling south... I only have 5 health...

Jan 26 2161: I found a place called Junktown... but I can't get in because it's nigt time!

Jan 27 2161: Hey I have a gun after all! It was in my inventory! That thing with INV on it! Those assholes let me in told me to put my gun away, when I wouldn't they shot at me so I ran away again :(

Feb 6 2161: This game is crap  I can't find anything so I'm just going to go back to playing COD!

Feb 7 2161: I found "the hub" today I put my gun away and went in this city is quite big... graphics are crappy though...

Feb 10 2161: I gave away all my fucking equipment! SHIT to a merchant! I gave him all my stuff and he didn't give me any caps.

Feb 12 2161: Jesus! I just found ot that their is more than 1 area in the Hubb! God this game is too big!

Feb 13 2161:  I met a mutant named Harold I punched him in the face now I'm being attacked... I didn't get any loot off him...

Feb 14 2161: I found the exit of this shit hole!

Feb 25 2161: I found a place named Necropolis I KNOW this place doesn't have the chip...

Feb 25 2161: I found out that they have god damn zombies here!

Feb 26 2161: Damn I wish I had a gun to take these zombies on.

Feb 27 2161: I went into the sewer and found a bunch of zombies that talked to me... I killed them all... barely.

Feb 28 2161: The player died after getting their ankles nibbled by a rat in the sewer... now that they have failed their 28th play through they are just going to trade the game in...

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